About De Bruns Antiques and Jewellery

Our Promise To You

Your satisfaction is our reputation, so our customer's satisfaction is the number 1 focus for us. We will work our hardest in every interaction with you to make you feel valued and appreciated.

Currently Online Only

We would love to be able to offer you a face-to-face appointment and one day we will. But currently we cant. We are eagerly awaiting the perfect little retail space in Malahide where we aim to greet you face to face and share some of our wonderful treasures. For now, I’m afraid all we can offer is a postal service with an exceptional returns policy. We know it’s really difficult to visualise jewellery from a photograph and it involves you taking a chance and we appreciate your faith in us. Really. If you like something why not click through… we’ll soon give you your money back if you’re not happy.

About De Bruns Antiques

Sharna Ragonesi Browne

Mother to Edward & Alexander. Wife to Sinead. Skilled at falling asleep practically anywhere. Big Foodie. Wishes that she read as much as Sinead. Quietly obsessed with studying. Slow sea swimmer. Excellent at day-dreaming. Prefers buying to selling. Drinks decaf.

A devout collector, Sharna has been squirrelling away and adding to this collection for over twenty years. Finally realising that her collection was a little too vast for a jewellery box she started buying with the ambition of one day opening up a shop. With a background in economics, precious metal trading and a family who manufactured chain it was the obvious choice. Becoming a Graduate Gemologist with the GIA for fun in her 20s really should have been the signal to make this move before her 40s!

Sinead Ragonesi-Browne

Sinead Ragonesi Browne

Mother to Edward & Alexander. Wife to Sharna. Barely sleeps. Big Foodie. Doesn’t read as much as Sharna thinks. A computer wizard. A sponge of a brain. Geriatric GAA player. Prefers selling to buying. Does not drink decaf.

Sinead prefers to focus on the operational and customers side of the business but is enjoying learning more about antiques as part of this journey.

The Stock

Preowned items are quite simply that, preowned. They may be rare and collectible antiques or vintage gems that have caught Sharna’s eye over the years. Some are one of a kind others were mass produced (for good reason). They are all part of the margin scheme and have been sourced from private individuals, traders, auctions, markets and by desperately wrestling with whomever necessary to save them from the furnace.

Similarly, the unworn stock is simply that, unworn. Just like this business it seems a little accidental in nature because it is. Primarily sourced as ‘new, old stock’, samples or as part of retirement/liquidation sales our unworn items offer exceptional value.

Office Address

Our offices are currently not open to the public but doesn't mean that we can't faciliate viewing appointments on request. So please, reach out to us today if you are interested in viewing one of our pieces.

Reach Out

Sharna - 353 (0) 86 232 9019

Sinead - 353 (0) 85 758 1100


086 232 9019

353 (0)1 8038602

Malahide, Co. Dublin

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Open Hours

Monday - Friday 9.30 am to 5 pm

Saturday 10.30 am to 1 pm