
We have a wide range of antique brooches, from Victorian to art deco brooches, enamelled to diamond set brooches, we have something for everyone. They can be worn to brighten up any outfit or worn to show off the wearer’s hobbies, interests and personality.

Total Count: 29
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Office Address

Our offices are currently not open to the public but doesn't mean that we can't faciliate viewing appointments on request. So please, reach out to us today if you are interested in viewing one of our pieces.

Reach Out

Sharna - 353 (0) 86 232 9019

Sinead - 353 (0) 85 758 1100

086 232 9019

353 (0)1 8038602

Malahide, Co. Dublin

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Open Hours

Monday - Friday 9.30 am to 5 pm

Saturday 10.30 am to 1 pm